Universitas Diponegoro

country rank 8 world rank 807

University Overview

Established in 1957, Universitas Diponegoro (Diponegoro University) is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the rural setting of the metropolis of Semarang (population range of 1,000,000-5,000,000 inhabitants), Central Java. This institution also has a branch campus in Jepara. Officially recognized by the Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi/Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, Republik Indonesia (Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency of Republic Indonesia), Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) is a very large (uniRank enrollment range: 35,000-39,999 students) coeducational Indonesian higher education institution. Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as pre-bachelor degrees (i.e. certificates, diplomas, associate or foundation), bachelor degrees, master degrees, doctorate degrees in several areas of study. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. This 62 years old Indonesian higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on entrance examinations and students' past academic record and grades. The admission rate range is 0-10% making this Indonesian higher education organization a most selective institution. International applicants are eligible to apply for enrollment. Undip also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a library, housing, sports facilities, financial aids and/or scholarships, study abroad and exchange programs, online courses and distance learning opportunities, as well as administrative services.

University Identity

Name:Universitas Diponegoro Diponegoro University
Motto:Wiyata Hangreksa Gapuraning Nagara Safeguarding the dignity of the nation

University Location

Address:Jalan Prof H Soedarto, SH Kampus Tembalang Semarang 50275 Central Java Indonesia
Tel:+62 (24) 746 0011
Fax:+62 (24) 746 0013
Other locations:Jepara

Study Areas and Degree Levels

Original price was: €3,745.00.Current price is: €3,297.00.Add to cart


Institutional Accreditation

Year of first Accreditation


Other Specialized or Programmatic Accreditations

  • Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT) A Ranking
  • Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Pendidikan Tinggi Kesehatan Indonesia A Ranking
  • Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow (ABEST21)
  • Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (IABEE)

Memberships and Affiliations

  • Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL)
  • ASEA-Uninet
  • South East Asia Sustainability Network
  • European Association for International Education
  • Alliance of School of Business and Scholarship for tomorrow
  • Asosiasi Fak Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia (Afebi)
  • Kesatuan Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan Indonesia (KAPSIPI)
  • Forum Pimpinan Pascasarjana PTN Seluruh Indonesia (Forpimpas)
  • Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)
  • Asosiasi Ilmuan Adm. Negara (AsIAN)
  • Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA)
  • Association of Marine and Fisheries University Leaders
  • Asosiasi Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Indonesia (AIABI)
  • Himpunan Pengajar Etika Bisnis (HIDESI)
  • International Association for Impact Assessment (AIA)
  • Association of North America Higher Education International (ANAHEI)
  • Ikatan Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi (ISKI)
  • Perhimpunan Hubungan Masyarakat (Perhumas)
  • Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi (ASPIKOM)
  • Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI)
  • Association of Internet Reserchers (AoIR)
  • Kesatuan Prodi I Pem Sel Ind (KAPSIPI)
  • Asosiasi Dosen I. Pem (ADIPSI)
  • Asosiasi I. Pol Ind (AIPI)
  • International Political Science Association (IPSA)
  • Assosiasi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Indonesia (AIHII)
  • Asosiasi Ilmu Politik Indonesia (AIPI)
  • Badan Kerja Sama Fakultas Hukum Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia
  • Badan Kerja Sama Notariat Indonesia
  • International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH)
  • International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH)
  • Environmental Health Specialist Association (EHSA)
  • Indonesia Public Health Association (IPHA)
  • Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (IAKMI)
  • Persatuan Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (PERSAKMI)
  • Perkumpulan Promosi dan Pendidikan Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (PPKMI)
  • Perhimpunan Ahli Epidemiolog Indonesia (PAEI)
  • Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI)
  • Perhimpunan Pengendalian Penyakit Parasitik indonesia (P4I)
  • Perhimpunan Entomologi Kesehatan Indonesia (PEKI)
  • Perhimpunan Mikrobiologi Indonesia (PERMI)
  • Perhimpunan Dokter Kesehatan Kerja Indonesia (IDKI)
  • Perhimpunan Ahli Kesehatan Kerja Indonesia (PAKKI)
  • Forum Program Studi Sastra Indonesia, utk Prodi Sastra Indonesia
  • English Studies Association in Indonesia
  • Perkumpulan Program Studi Sejarah se- Indonesia
  • Konsorsium Program Studi Jepang Indonesia
  • Asosiasi Penyelenggara Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi Indonesia
  • Asosiasi Departemen dan Jurusan Antropologi Se-Indonesia
  • Asosiasi Pogram Studi Magister Linguistik Indonesia
  • Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia
  • International Conference of Islamic Scholar
  • Perhimpunan Program Studi Ilmu Lingkungan Indonesia
  • Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer (APTIKOM)
  • Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia (ISEI)
  • Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI)
  • Forum Manajemen Indonesia (FMI) Jawa Tengah
  • Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
  • Institusi Ahli Gizi Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (IAGIKMI)
  • Ikatan Sarjana Perikanan Indonesia (ISPIKANI)
  • Ikatan Sarjana Kelautan Indonesia (ISKINDO)
  • Masyarakat Akuakultur Indonesia (MAI)
  • Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (MPHPI)
  • Himpunan Ahli Pengelolaan Pesisir Indonesia (HAPPI)
  • Ikatan Sarjana Oseanologi Indonesia (ISOI)
  • Persatuan Penggiat Pangan Fungsional dan Nutrasetikal Indonesia (P3FNI)
  • Masyarakat Standarisasi Nasional (Mastan)
  • Ikatan Fikologi Indonesia (IFI)
  • Persatuan Ahli Teknologi Pangan Indonesia (PATPI)
  • Fisheries Education Network (ASEAN FEN )
  • American Society for Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO)
  • Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commision (IOC) UNESCO
  • Masy Taksonomi Kelautan Indonesia (MATAKI)
  • Indonesian Coral Reef Society (INCRES)
  • International Coral Reefs Society (ICRS)
  • Asia Pacific Coral Reefs Society (APCRS)
  • Japan Coral Reefs Society (JCRS)
  • Ikatan Pengkaji Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (INKALINDO)
  • Himpunan Ekologi Indonesia (HEI)
  • International Society for Mangrove Ecosystem (ISME)
  • Kelompok Kerja Mangrove Nasional/Daerah (KKMN/D)
  • Indonesian Mangrove Society (IMS)
  • American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
  • Asosiasi Tuna Indonesia (ASTUIN)
  • Ikatan Rumput Laut Indonesia (IRLI)
  • Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Kedokteran Indonesia (AIPKI)
  • Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Ners Indonesia (AIPNI)
  • Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Gizi Indonsia (AIPGI)
  • APTFI Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Farmasi Indonesia
  • IDI Ikatan Dokter Indonesia
  • PPNI Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia
  • PABI Persatuan Ahli Bedah Indonesia
  • IKABI Ikatan Ahli Bedah Indonesia
  • PERSPEBSI Perhimpunan Spesialis Bedah Saraf Indonesia
  • PERDOSSI Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Saraf Indonesia
  • PERHATI-KL Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Telinga Hidung Tenggorok Bedah Kepala dan Leher Indonesia
  • PERDAMI Persatuan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia
  • PAPDI Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam Indonesia
  • IDAI Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia
  • PDFI Perhimpunan Dokter Forensik Indonesia
  • PERDOSRI Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi Indonesia
  • ISPRM International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
  • PDGKI Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Gizi Klinik Indonesia
  • PERDATIN Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Anestesi dan Terapi Intensif Indonesia
  • PDSRI Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Radiologi Indonesia
  • PERKI Perhimpunan Kardiologi Indonesia
  • POGI Perkumpulan Obstetri Dan Ginekologi Indonesia
  • PERINASIA Perkumpulan Perinatologi Indonesia
  • HOGSI Himpunan Obstetri Ginekologi Sosial Indonesia
  • HUGI Himpunan Uroginekologi Indonesia
  • HKFM Himpunan Kedokteran Fetomaternal
  • HIFERI Himpunan Endokrinologi Reproduksi dan Fertilitas Indonesia
  • ISUOG International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • PERDOSKI Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia
  • PDSKJI Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kedokteran Jiwa Indonesia
  • AsCNP Asian College of Neuropsychopharmacology
  • IAPI Ikatan Ahli Patologi Indonesia
  • International association of Pathologist
  • PDS PatKLIn Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Klinik dan Kedokteran Indonesia
  • ASCPaLM Asian Society for Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
  • WASPaLM World Association of societies of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
  • HKKI Himpunan Kimia Klinik Indonesia
  • PAMKI Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mikrobiologi Klinik Indonesia
  • IKAFI Ikatan Ahli Farmakologi Indonesia
  • SP3T Sentra Pengembangan dan Penerapan Pengobatan Tradisional
  • PDHMI Persatuan Dokter Herbal Medik Indonesia
  • PERSAGI Persatuan Ahli Gizi
  • ASDI Asosiasi Dirtisien Indonesia
  • Physical Society of Indonesia (PSI)
  • Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Fisika Indonesia (APTIFINDO)
  • Forstat forum pendidikan tinggi statistika
  • Ikatan Statistisi Indonesia
  • IndoMS (IndoMS Indonesian Mathematics Society)
  • Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Komputer Indonesia (APTIKOM)
  • Indonesian Association for Pattern Recognition
  • IEEE Indonesia Section
  • Association for Information Systems (AIS) Indonesia Chapter (AISINDO)
  • Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
  • Indonesian Association for Computational Linguistics (INACL)
  • konsorsium Biologi Indonesia (KOBI).
  • Member of Indonesia Aquaculture Society/ Masyarakat Akuakultur Indonesia (MAI)
  • Member of The Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological& Environmental Engineering Society (APCBEES)
  • Member of International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS)
  • Member of I’M Research Consortium (Indonesia-Malaysia Research Consortium)
  • Himpunan Kimia Indonesia, profesi
  • Forum Kajur Kimia Indonesia
  • Perhimpunan Mikrobiologi Indonesia(PERMI)
  • Perhimpunan Bioteknologi Indonesia
  • ISAAS international society South East Asia Agricultural System,
  • Persepsi Perhimpunan Sosial Ekonomi peternakan indonesia
  • PERHEPI Perhimpunan Ekonomi Pertanian Indonesia
  • PERAGI Perhimpunan Agroteknologi
  • PATPI Persatuan Ahli Teknologi Pangan Indonesia
  • PAGI Perhimpunan Agronomi Indonesia
  • FKPTPI Forum Komunikasi Perguruan Tinggi Pertanian Indonesia
  • FPPTPI Forum Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi Peternakan Indonesia
  • IFT International Food Technology
  • FPTVI (forum pendidikan tinggi vokasi indonesia)
  • AVPAPI (Asosiasi Vokasi Prodi Administrasi Perkantoran Indonesia)
  • Perhimpunan Hubungan Masyarakat (Perhumas) prodi humas undip
  • Aspikom (asosiasi pendidikan tinggi ilmu komunikasi) prodi humasn
  • ADGVI (Asosiasi Dosen dan Guru Vokasi Indonesia)
  • Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (HIMPSI)
  • Asosiasi Penyelenggara Pendidikan Tinggi Psikologi Indonesia (AP2TPI)
  • Ikatan Psikologi Klinis (IPK)
  • Asosiasi Psikologi Industri Organisasi (APIO)
  • Asosiasi Psikologi Islam (API)
  • Ikatan Psikologi Keluarga (IPK)
  • Ikatan Psikologi Kesehatan Indonesia (APKI)
  • Asosiasi Psikologi Pendidikan Indonesia (APPI)
  • Asosiasi Psikologi Forensik (APSIFOR)
  • Ikatan Psikologi Perkembangan Indonesia (IPPI)
  • Ikatan Psikologi Sosial (IPS)
  • Forum Komunikasi Pengelola Fakultas Pskologi se Jawa Tengah
  • Palang Merah Indonesia
  • Ikatan Sarjana Olah Raga Indonesia (ISORI)
  • Asosiasi Dosen Pendidikan Agama Islam Indonesia
  • Dewan Pertimbangan Pembangunan Kota (DP2K) sie Psikologi, Sosial, Gender
  • American Psychological Association (APA)
  • Society for Health Psychology
  • The New Zealand Association for Research in Education (NZARE)
  • Inclusive and Special Education Research (ISER)
  • Society for Couple and Family Psychology
  • Society for Research on Adolescence
  • International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD)
  • International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA)
  • Asian Association for Indigenous &
  • Cultural Psyhology (AAICP)
  • Representatif Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis untuk Indonesia

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Government Issued Photo ID Type

Acceptable ID is Passport, Government issued driver license with photo and address, National ID card with photo. This Government Issued Photo ID is used for university student record and university student registration

Importance of A Valid Government Issued Photo ID

  • Please provide the information page of your ID from your passport, government issued photo ID card or government issued Driver License with photo.
  • The government issued photo ID is used for your degree registration for your university.
  • Valid government issued photo ID is a MUST for your degree registration. Any invalid ID, fake ID, ID not meet the requirement is unacceptable.
  • Acceptable ID is Passport / Government Issued Photo Driver License with photo and address / National ID card with photo.
  • ALL Government Issued Photo ID MUST match the credit card holder name.
  • Please upload high resolution file in in Jpg, gif, tif or pdf format, but not exceed 2MB size.
  • According to our strict privacy policy, submitted Government Issued Photo ID information will be destroyed after order process and registration within 7 days.

Drop files to upload or UPLOAD

Please provide the information page of your ID (Front) from your passport, ID card or Driver License (Please upload in Jpg, gif, tif or pdf format)**We need this ID to register for your degree from your university. Please do not send the file more than 2MB (Your ID must have your own photo)

Drop files to upload or UPLOAD

Please provide the information page of your ID (back) from your passport, ID card or Driver License (Please upload in Jpg, gif, tif or pdf format) Please do not send your file more than 2MB (Your ID must have your own photo)

Year of Graduation

Please select your desired graduation year (we can backdated your degree if you wanted)

Mode of Study

Please indicate your mode of study (This will help us better understand your need and to make your documents better) You can indicate more than 1 choice.

Academic Transcripts

Do you want to transfer credits from your previous post secondary education ?

If you want to transfer credits from your previous study in post-secondary education, please check here.

Sealed Transcripts

Sealed transcript is the official transcript will be sent in a sealed envelope, and the transcript will be stamped “not official if seal is broken”. These sealed envelopes are mailed in a larger envelope that can be opened by the student. Transcripts marked “Issued to Student” may be ordered for personal use. Usually sealed transcript sent directly to another university or college, to an official of an organization, or government and employee.

Desired Grade for Transcripts

Please indicate your desired grade if you are ordering transcript

Student Records

This is your student records to proof of your study and graduation

Acceptance Letter

This is the university acceptance letter (admission letter)

Graduation Letter

This is the university graduation letter

Reference Letter by First Professor

This reference letter will be written by one of your professors in your faculty

Reference Letter by a Second Professor

This reference letter will be written by one of your professors in your faculty

Letter of Appreciation

This letter will be written by our professors or senior administrators to appreciate your contribution to the school

Achievement Letter

This letter will be written by the school faculty to indicate your accomplishment during your study period

Internship Letter from Company

This is the official internship letter that serves as proof of your internship status in the company. This official letter issued by the company which indicates your name, internship job nature, internship performance, start date and end date of the internship period, signed by the supervisor / manager / director of the company.

Internship Letter from University

This is the official internship letter that serves as a proof of your internship status in the university. This official letter issued by the university which indicate your name, internship job nature, internship performance, start date and end date of the internship period. Singed by the supervisor of the school faculties.

Employment Letter

This is the employment letter that you can used for job reference. You can call your previous employers for reference check. This is also known as job reference.

Job Offer Letter

This is the initial job offer letter. This letter can put you winning for interview. Your employer can cross reference check your job offer from this letter.

Student Identification

*Do you want to order university student ID card, library card, alumni card, student union card?

Drop files to upload or UPLOAD

Please upload your current passport photo for University Student ID card / University Alumni Card / Student Union Card / Student Association Card / University Library Card

Student ID Card

Student ID card is a official picture identification of your student status. Student ID card is registered by Academic Registrar of your chosen university, therefore, it is recognizable, certifiable, verifiable and serves as official picture ID. Student ID Card includes your chosen university logo and name, your name, student number, date of enrollment, date of issue, date of expire, your picture, barcode and magnetic strip at the back.

University Alumni Card

University alumni card is a official identification of alumni or graduate of university. With your Alumni Card serves as proof of eligibility of the Alumni Association of your chosen University. University alumni Card includes your chosen university logo and name, your name, year of your graduation, date of issue, date of expire, your picture, barcode and magnetic strip at the back.

University Student Account (3 years)

You will get the official student account from the university. This account can be used for 3 years

University VISA / Master Prepaid Credit Card

This is the official university credit card from VISA / Master. This is a prepaid credit card that means there is no credit on it. You need to deposit the money in order to use this credit card. Most of the university VISA / Master card can be deposit in any western union, moneygram or Travelex.

Thesis Binding & Writing Service

(You have your own thesis written up, but you would like us to do official binding from your chosen University.) USD$999 This type of thesis will be your own thesis provided for our professional binding department which the University authorized. This type of thesis is officially binding in the library of the University Collections. This type of thesis will be binding in Premium Leather, with Gold Stamping, with Student Name, Graduation Date, and Thesis Title, and Signed by at least TWO University Supervisors / Professors. Please email the file to us.

Thesis B (You don’t have your written thesis, but would like to have one, and show it to your potential employer.) USD$ 2899

(You don’t have your written thesis, but would like to have one, and show it to your potential employer.) UEuro€ 3899 This type of thesis will be provided a detail research in higher academic level in your chosen major. This type of thesis will be written by PhD students from your chosen major. This type of thesis will be around 300-400 pages. This type of thesis is officially binding in the library of the University Collections. This type of thesis will be binding in Premium Leather, with Gold Stamping, with Student Name, Graduation Date, and Thesis Title, and Signed by at least TWO University Supervisors / Professors.

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